- Brand Activation
- Food & Beverage
- Talent
- Location
- Hermès
Photography: Ana Paganini
The Hermès Kiosk, a creative concept by the brand itself, is once again going around the world to present the new issue of Le Monde d'Hermès. This time, the kiosk touched down in Lisbon, on the banks of the Tagus River and in front of MAAT - Museum of Art, Architecture, and Technology, a unique enclave dedicated to art and culture. Loaded with surprises, games, and live performances, it became an essential stop in the Portuguese capital. For several days, the characters from the Hermès Kiosk - the kiosk owner, the gardener, the illustrator, etc. - welcomed visitors with flowers, fruit popsicles, and, of course, the new magazine issue. Wozere was responsible for the creative production, location, talent, food and beverage, wardrobe, and furniture and prop design