Nathy Peluso x Desigual 2022

- Creative Direction & Production
- Talent
- Desigual
About the project:
Desigual renews their authentic self next to singer, Nathy Peluso. The collaboration, with a worldwide scope, was presented at the Desigual store in Preciados in Madrid. That day, hundreds of fans packed the plaza to see the premiere of the campaign video and greet the artist. Wozere was in charge of the production, the food and beverage, and the call for the event.
The store created the atmosphere of an art gallery. Minimal, industrial, and stripped of the unnecessary, yellow and black were the only colors used. Large-scale photographs of Nathy hung on the walls and the empty spaces could be intervened by the guests. The party began with the arrival of the artist and she danced to the music of Dj La Flaca.