Galería Ehrhardt Flórez

  • Digital & Web Design
  • Branding Identity
  • Galería Ehrhardt Flórez
About the project:

The Ehrhardt Flórez gallery enters a new era after more than forty years bringing German art to the Madrid scene. This 2022, the gallery is introduced with a brand new name to give a platform to the different generations and schools which have been fundamental in the gallery, both Spanish and German. To reflect this change, wozere developed a new identity for the gallery that included a comprehensive branding project and web design. 

The new design being simple and effective, allows the artwork to be the main protagonist. A minimalist color palette and a typography inspired in the International Typographic Style come together to create a graphic system that is effective in digital and print formats alike. On the other hand, the website acts as a frame for the ongoing exhibitions as well as an archive for all the artist that have passed by the gallery.